Frequently Asked Questions
Most commonly asked questions are listed here with answers and resource links.
Where do I find emergency and school closure information?
All parents and guardians will receive an auto-dial phone call in the event of an emergency. Information will also be shared on the district’s website.
For more information about how we communicate with families in emergency situations, visit the school district’s Emergency and School Closure Notification page.
Who do I call if my student will be missing school?
Please call the attendance hotline: (541) 757-5958
When your child is absent for either a full or partial day, it is very important to report the absence to the office by 9:00 am the day of the absence. In the interest of student health and safety, the office staff will phone parents or contacts who have not reported to us.
When leaving a voice message, please include
- your name
- student’s name
- teacher
- nature of the absence
If you are prearranging an absence for another day, please include the date of the absence. As always, you are welcome to phone Marcy Hermens or Natalie Kovac at the main office number 541-757-5958 for assistance.
What are the rules for the school parking lot?
Our parking lot is a busy place, especially during drop off and pick up times.
- Lane 1 (the lane closest to the school): you can park your car, get out, and walk with your student to class or go pick them up after school. This is the only lane where you can walk away from your car.
- Lane 2 (the middle lane): in the morning you may drop off only. In the afternoon you can park your car, but you may not leave the vehicle. During pick-up times, stand next to your car and a staff member will bring your student to you.
- Lane 3 (the lane closest to the street): a through lane. This lane needs to keep moving (except when stopping for crossing guards). Students may not get in or out of the car from the 3rd lane.
Please keep in mind that Northwest Hills Church allows parents and caregivers use of their parking lot before and after school to help alleviate the stress of finding space in our parking lot.
Where do I register my student for riding the bus?
Bus transportation is provided to and from school from designated stops within the school attendance area. You can register your student(s) to ride the bus on the Student Transportation page on the district website.
Bus routes and schedules can also be found at the above link.
What if my student loses a personal belonging at the school?
A student’s belongings, such as jackets, sweaters, gloves, hats, and boots, should be marked with first and last names. Misplaced items are stored in the Lost & Found. Items that remain unclaimed are donated to local charities at winter, spring, and summer breaks.
How can I stay informed?
News and announcements, as well as our weekly newsletter, are sent via ParentSquare, our district communication tool. Parents/guardians are automatically signed up to receive our emails when they register their child. If you are not receiving emails from us, please contact the main office at 541-757-5958.
We regularly post news items that can be found on our homepage and on our News page here.