School Meals

Corvallis School District Food & Nutrition Services is committed to providing healthy meals for all students. Our district meal program provides breakfast and lunch each school day. The Free and Reduced Meal Program is available for students whose families meet specific household income guidelines.

Hoover students in classroom

School Menus

Corvallis menus are created on a four-week rotation that remains fairly consistent for the entire school year. All Corvallis schools offer full salad bars to their students in an effort to encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables and also as a vegetarian lunch option.

Creating Valentine boxes

Free and Reduced Meal Programs

The Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program is a federally funded program to ensure children from households that federal income guidelines have access to nutritious meals while at school. Eligibility for free or reduced-price meals can be found on the district's Food & Nutrition Services page. An application for the program is provided below, and applications are also available at the main office. All information is confidential. A new application must be completed each year.

Meal Account

Using the new TITAN family portal, parents/guardians can link all students in their family in one easy-to-manage location. In this portal, parents/guardians can can manage their student’s meal accounts, make online payments using credit/debit cards, and apply for Free/Reduced school meals. Create a family portal through TITAN using the button below. Please note that you must include the leading zero in the student ID number.